That's a beautiful OC. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. And welcome to Newgrounds.
That's a beautiful OC. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. And welcome to Newgrounds.
This drawing's great, I really like your visual style.
You do!?! Thanks!!! ^^
What a lovely tribute! This woman has voiced so many iconic characters, and there's so much variety between them, too. I hope she sees this ^^
This looks incredible. Love the pose and perspective, and her triumphant expression.
Thank you so much, I appreciate it
You did a super good job on it, the folds of the clothing especially turned out really nice.
Omg thank you so much! The clothes were the hardest thing to render honestly cuz I hate doing wrinkels lol
Welcome back after 10 years! The artistic growth you've gone through is awe-inspiring.
Thank you so much! I didn't even realize I had posted in the past, it was a big surprise!
You even gave him actual termites in his smile. This is so good, you absolutely nailed the character.
Thanks! I appreciate it
This style kinda slaps, it works really well for Madness Combat.
Aw, the photo-booth slide is cute. I'm glad you included it, it adds a lot of character :)
This is gorgeous! Look at those colors!! You're so talented T-T
Thank you soooo much!! I love your art, too!
'Cause your drawing skill and styles are really cool :> And, also amazing. :D
Personality test came back negative
The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22