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This is really good! I like the soft rendering of the colors, especially the way the shadow is cast on their face.

Also, welcome to Newgrounds :)

rosymocha responds:

thank you!

Sick art dude. Welcome to Newgrounds, looking forward to seeing more of your work :)

Blazzzfemia responds:

Thanks! :D

This looks really good already! Def good enough for the portal. I hope you'll share more of your art here in the future :)

JuguitoPauPau responds:

Tysmsmmmm! ahh this is my first time posting on here!!! I'll make sure to share my art more often tyyy ❤️❤️

Now there's a deep cut. Don't see fanart of this manga very often :)

Love this mashup :D

UrsaOvis responds:

Thank you!

Aww!! There's not a lot of fanart of them as a happy family. This is really sweet.

You are so real for this. I did not expect him to win but I thought he would score pretty high. To then get disqualified was such a big disappointment :(

rangaku responds:

I was so fucking maaaad when I found out... He would definitely be in top 5.
People who say he was the bad guy are so stupid because if AVROTROS (broadcaster) and literally the entire Dutch team is behind him then these claims are bogus, they would never support someone who actually fucked up big time.

What were your faves? I also was cheering for Ireland and Spain tbh.

Oh man I remember that... playing it together with my brother on the Meepcube. Good times.

Welcome to Newgrounds :)

Hi Skilled :D

Congrats on the Supporter status. I like the new username :)

SkilledFella responds:

Thanks ;-)

She looks super cute, tiefling fits her really well :)
Class is going to be tricky to determine I think, because we know very little about her? There was a hint at her demon powers in week 7 but that got cut short by Pico. Both her parents are singers, but I don't know if that counts for much.

SanyaUmbra responds:

I agree, that's pretty difficult to decide. I was saying on another comment that maybe the bard angle could work for the all "inspiration" think, but I agree that it's a little forced. Maybe yeah. a sorcerer or something the like for the powers.
Ah, it's difficult this one. Anyhow glad you liked it, Madmazel!

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