Looks serene. Fitting for a final resting place.
Looks serene. Fitting for a final resting place.
These are absolutely precious. What a cute design ^^
thank you so much!!
What a cutie, she looks so friendly. I'm sorry for your loss. My own cat passed away at the start of february. I went through similar feelings of regret.
Aww, sorry, that really sucks :( many hugs :)) <3
Great job, and welcome back :)
Hey, thanks! It's nice to be back
These two are up to no good i can tell. Their designs are really cool :>
omg thank uu!! :-D
Looks incredible. I really like how much paleoart shows dinosaurs with feathers nowadays. Also on a more personal note, one of the few instances where the word "speedpaint" is used correctly! People referring to time lapses as speedpaints is such a pet peeve of mine :p
Cute art! Welcome to Newgrounds ^^
This looks great! :D
A more chaotic style matches their chaotic personalities I think. The colored outline is a really nice touch as well.
Rad design. Love the rendering.
thank you!
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The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22