Cool design. I'm guessing she had a mishap causing one side of her body to get injured? Or was that caused by something else?
Cool design. I'm guessing she had a mishap causing one side of her body to get injured? Or was that caused by something else?
yes, she spilled acid all over herself
Great stuff :)
Great piece. Welcome to Newgrounds, I hope you'll end up liking it here :)
thank you!
Oh I love these, very cute designs. I think Gwen is my favorite, as well. I hope Carla ends up doing okay, and I'm curious about Maïa's backstory!
Cute OC, and beautifully drawn :)
Very atmospheric.
Kwite's the best. Cool of you to include a cute lil' Springtrap with the drawing. I hope he sees this :)
Happy birthday to her!
This is so cool! Love the saturated colors and how you pushed the pose :D
This is such a delightful style. It's perfect for a picture book.
Aww! Thank you so much! ^_^
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The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22