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This turned out great ^^

Welcome to the Art Portal.

4rrthAkaBoboa responds:

Thank you!! ^^

It's nice to see the three of them together in one place like this ^^
You mentioned working on a game, would these be three different "classes"? Or do all three monkeys have the same abilities, but different outfits?

SkMed83 responds:

Hmmm...Right now we're thinking this would be one character, just in different outfits. The outfit changes according to the level environment. Much like the OG Splinter Cell games. If we were being REALLY ambitious, the player would be able to select the gear they want. But that's probably far beyond our capabilities for a first project.

This looks slick, I wouldn't have guessed it was your first go at animating if you hadn't said it. Good job :)

OutworldArt responds:

Thank you very much that means alot

Gorgeous work!

SiriusWolfgang responds:

Thank you! I tried my best by going out of my comfort zone :)

Don't beat yourself up about not posting art as frequently as you'd like. This turned out great, good job ^^

RedSlasherPlay responds:

Thank you very much for your support, I speak from the heart :)

I really like the designs you've posted so far, with previous submissions too! They're cute and super original, I also appreciate that you posted progress pictures as well, I always think that's interesting to see.

SkMed83 responds:

Many thanks Madmazel! The positivity means a lot right now. We've definitely got more on the way. In fact, if you don't want to wait you're welcome to see what we have up until now on our deviant acct here: https://www.deviantart.com/skm83. They're a bit dated like this one, so once we cycle through these we're thinking about changing up the designs slightly. Maybe a bit more "chibi" stylistically. Again, thank you for sending us positive vibes!


Looks cool as hell. Welcome to Newgrounds ^^

Theicekreammanz responds:

Thank yoou:)

Hi Brando (not Dan), welcome to Newgrounds :)

BoiBrando responds:

hi!!! thank you!!!!

Wonderful use of color, it's interesting to see how the highly saturated streaks are used against a desaturated background (like the pipes, and outline of the buildings). I loved Arcane, it's a great series to draw inspiration from.

cypubog responds:

It's really nice that you notice details like this! thank you! <3

Hi, and welcome to Newgrounds ^^

JosvitaPollo responds:

oh very thx!, I like your art

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