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That's very pretty! And welcome to Newgrounds :)

artofsachi responds:

Thank you very much! ^^

This is one of my favorite pieces I saw on your Twitter yesterday, I'm glad to see it on Newgrounds!

I don't know what tags would work for this kind of style either, I'm not even sure if there's a name for it, but having something that's uniquely you isn't a bad thing either. But "abstract art" fits, maybe "expressionism" too.

naraicat responds:

thank you! i hadn't thought of expressionism actually, that fits really well i think :)

This is really cool. What drawing program did you use? The pixelly style kind of reminds me of MS paint, or Photoshop's pencil tool.

Jumpanaatta responds:

Thank you! I mainly use Clip Studio Paint but I also use other tools as necessary, like Color Quantizer (http://x128.ho.ua/color-quantizer.html) to apply palettes. This piece started as a rough gouache painting so the process was a bit more elaborate than usual.

Your art is so damn cool. Love the dynamic poses angles and the confident linework.

DawnBean responds:

Thank you!!

This is one of the best versions of the meme I've seen so far!

Sony-Shock responds:

Wow, thank you!! <3

Cutie. Cubone is one of my favorites for sure :>

SassCannon responds:

aw thank you! ♥

cubone is definitely a cutie, not in my top 10 but still great :D

Clicking the thumbnail because my girl Vibri was on there and then seeing the final piece was like opening a birthday present not knowing it contains multiple birthday presents.

LizardFungus responds:

Happy birthday!

The Sonic pose is a classic, and this is a really good adaptation of it. Also, welcome to Newgrounds!

HAST3 responds:

hgjhdfgd thank you so much!

Better late than never 🙂 I like this piece, it's simple and cute. Crewmates floating through space is a timeless motif, reminds me of the start screen when you boot up the game.

Good luck with your weekly fanart challenge!

Lukeshardo responds:

Thanks, I appreciate it!

I own Killbook of a Bounty Hunter! There were talks of turning it into a movie at the time. It had some incredibly cool character designs.

987tails responds:

It would have been a hitter. it gets me all the time that it didn't reach that.

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