
10 Game Reviews

7 w/ Responses

Charming, simple and fun. You did a good job with the level design and difficulty level, major props to Peter for the soundtrack which added a lot of atmosphere.

amidos2006 responds:

Thanks a lot :) I am glad that you enjoy it and hope you will enjoy the full version soon :)

Really impressive for a Ludum Dare entry. I really like the minimalist color scheme and the pixel art is beautiful. The day/night cycle was a nice touch as well.

RunicPixels responds:

Thanks!!! :D

This is great, the platforming works really well and I like the crude sense of humor. When I saw Pumpkin I was like, hey, I recognize that face :)

The camera could be a bit less jittery but that's my only complaint, really.

Chris responds:

Thanks! I'm so glad you liked it. The game was a lot of fun to make. I'm going to make another one building off the engine I've built here so I'll see what I can do about the camera jitters. I actually found it quite challenging to figure out how the camera should follow a character in a game like this.

Not bad! The audio design is terrible though.

There's a start of something good, but it's not there yet. The main thing the game is lacking currently is a fail state, a way to lose, something to introduce a skill component of some kind. For example, this could be fish (or other items, such as fish hooks) falling from the top that you're not meant to eat, rival fish who eat your food while you're on a time limit, or sharks that try to eat you. Or you could go a completely different route and make it a clicker game. I don't know if you have ideas for this game already, but I hope you continue development and implement at least a few more things to make it feel more complete.

APGameDev responds:

Thanks for the feedback, but our idea of the game was precisely to plunge into the year 2000 and get a flashback from childhood by playing a simple game with a bright design and not difficult levels)

Very cute and whimsical puzzle platformer. I especially liked the soundtrack! My only real criticism is that if you fall into the garbage truck in kitty form you get stuck and have to refresh the page to restart the game. I'd like there to be an option in the game itself to restart a level.

Edit: Within like a minute of posting this my criticism was addressed, haha. Y'all are doing a great job.

MadNukin responds:

You can restart the level with pressing R.
I will update the description, thanks for reminding me!

Very atmospheric. The synergy between the artwork and music is great, and giving the pixel art a faux-CRT display effect was a solid choice. Good idle mechanics too.

One thing I want to point out that I haven't seen anyone else mention is that there's this glitchy phantom of a wandering adventurer that seems to randomly appear in the overworld sometimes, which is a really cool touch. I've seen "A Dark Room" being mentioned a few times, both in this game's description and by other reviewers, so I'll check that game out, too.

ErikSwahn responds:

So glad you enjoy :)

This game's got so much personality. Cool character designs, fun, frantic gameplay, and a soundtrack to match.

Humble beginnings :)

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