This looks fantastic, I love the color scheme. Congrats on your milestone, I hope you have fun on your vacation and at TMG!
This looks fantastic, I love the color scheme. Congrats on your milestone, I hope you have fun on your vacation and at TMG!
Thanks! I’ve been meaning to try this color scheme for quite a while now, but could never quite commit to it.
What a cutie. She looks so soft and cuddly ^^
I KNOOOWW !!! SHES SO COMFY thanks madmazel
I love how you draw these guys. I'm happy you really like it here ^^
Thank you. I'm glad you said that!
You have a great style. Welcome to Newgrounds :)
Thank you so much :D !!
You have such a badass style.
Thank you so much! I love that game a ton (and other fromsoft games too!)
Welcome to Newgrounds ^^ You have really cool OC designs!
Tysm!! <3
Welcome back :)
Small criticism though if you don't mind: People read comics from top to bottom and left to right (top to bottom has "priority" though), so right now it reads as "Hi, a-tired! I'm Daisy!!!" "I'm-a-Tired..." rather than the other way around :p
oh yeah, I really didn't think that through when making this lol
Welcome to Newgrounds! You have a really cool style, it works especially well for Alastor :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Lowkey I had the need to adapt him to my style seeing his personality from the pilot and how he develops with other characters
These are super cute :)
Happy pride month, also welcome to the Art Portal!
aaa tysm<333
These are all wonderful! I really like how you gave each their own color scheme too ^^
Thank you so much <3
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The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22