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Lovely work. Your comic beautifully captures the essence of perseverance and the journey of following one's passion, the way it portrays the young boy's growth into a dedicated biologist. I like the blend between the hard physical work he has to do in the jungle and the use of deductive reasoning back at home to finally come to a breakthrough. Also, the original drawing of the Gikika Spider is really cute. I hope you don't mind me making this comparison, but it reminds me of the soot sprites from Spirited Away :p

vlsrb responds:

Honestly: thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for this wonderful, appreciative comment, I cannot put in words how much stuff like this means to me.

I'm glad you liked this comic! The original drawing of the Gikika Spider playfully refers to the fact that "scientific" illustrations in old biology books often looked very little like the actual animal they represented, often because the artists were drawing from memory or by referencing specimens that had been floating in formaldehyde for ages.

Also, a confession: I've actually never seen Spirited Away. But I looked up the soot sprites after reading your review and indeed, they definitely look very similar!

Thanks again for the lovely comment!

Happy Thanksgiving, Tyhond :)

Tyhond responds:

Thank you, Madmazel! ^-^

Looking forward to seeing it :) You have a really cool style that looks great in motion (going by your other submission).

Gabryk responds:

Glad you are looking forward to it! Means alot

She's very pretty :>

And welcome to Newgrounds!

Sinpienii responds:

Ah thank you so much! 🙏💕


k1prian responds:

Thank you! I like her too qwq

These are great :D

Ghelber responds:

Thanks you my friend uwu

You're a visionary! And welcome to Newgrounds :)

Jolanos responds:

Thank you!

Having one or two extra pair of arms looks useful, moreso than having extra eyes. The coloring is beautiful.

wx8213 responds:

haha yeah! funny enough that guy with extra eyes has 2 pairs of arms, he just prefers using them as one. thank you, i enjoyed coloring it

I like that you used a sphynx cat as a basis for his design, because I don't see that happening very often but it seems very fitting for a design of a wrinkly old man.

I dig your style! I like the sharp angular curves, and you did a good job with the skin folds and hair.

KontraVersus responds:

Thank you! This whole design was born from a cat I saw online (they were like a sphynx cat but they also were like a mix with a long haired cat?? and it looked so majestic??). And these cats are definitely giving old man energy.

You're criminally underrated

ReyKun responds:

thank u so much I really appreciate it ;v;

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