Merry Christmas. This is adorable :)
Merry Christmas. This is adorable :)
Merry Christmas to you as well x)
Gorgeous drawing :)
Welcome to Newgrounds, I look forward to seeing more of your work.
thanks for the welcome! I hope to upload a lot of things here now that I'm in :D
The way the hair is painted looks beautiful.
Thank youuu!! ^^
What a neat style! Welcome to Newgrounds, I'd love to see more of your work ^^
BLESS! Thank you! ^^
Love the crosshatching and the patterns on her shoulders.
Crossposting your art to various sites is just smart. Plus I think your followers like knowing what's going on with you elsewhere! Chase your bliss and don't let anyone tell you what to do.
I've always cared more about my own enjoyment in art, if others like it too, that's good enough for me.
Portal 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. This is a really good blend of 2D and 3D animation c:
Thanks, trying to really get down the technique for some future projects, also glad you like the portal games as well! they are really good.
That's a badass illustration. The art portal was upgraded a few months ago to support multi-image uploads, do you think you'll post your comic here too?
Yes!! I hope to post the first couple pages later today, I've already got 20 done and am almost finished w/ the next five!
Welcome to Newgrounds :)
It's not radically different from other sites where you can post your art. People can rate it and comment on it, you can follow people you like, etc. If you have any questions about how the site works, feel free to ask.
Thanks for the welcome!
and thanks for the over-view :D
If I've got any questions I'll be sure to ask.
Personality test came back negative
The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22