Happy Pixel Day! This looks great!
Happy Pixel Day! This looks great!
I think this is lovely. Even if you don't go here very often, I'm glad you dropped by to share your pixel art for Pixel Day.
Thanks! I had someone bring up Pixel Day on DA. Happy to stop by and see what's up. Maybe I should pay attention to NG more often.
This is very atmospheric :)
Thank you! I hoped it would be!
Adorable ^^
thank u !! i love this oc
This is cool as hell. I hope James gets to see this, he's on Newgrounds too!
EE TYSM! He’s already seen it on Twitter :))
This is super cozy.
Thanks! Was hoping it would feel that way.
Two cuties for the price of one :)
and another cutie commenting about it
I love her design.
Thank you!
Your art is super good. Really cute and original scenarios, and drawn in a very original way. Bit late compared to Tyhond, but welcome to Newgrounds.
Thanks! Glad you appreciate it.
You have a great style, it's very unique and expressive. Belated welcome to Newgrounds :)
Aww, thank you so much- I'm flattered you think so :'D
And thanks for welcoming me aboard! It feels like a really nice place so far!!
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The Netherlands
Joined on 3/12/22